Most low cost earphones have 1 or maybe 2 drivers, but the KZ E10 got 5 drivers! The sound is very good, they got bluetooth 5, aptX, USB-C, but there is a problem…
Review continues under the video.
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KZ E10 Review
The case itself is made of plastic, and doesn’t exactly have a premium feel to it, but it’s solid enough.
Opening the lid will turn on the earphones, and if you already paired them with a device, they will connect to it right away. So they will be ready to use, before you manage to put them in your ears.
The button on the case is used to activate the pairing mode, or reset it, if needed.
The earphones themselves look very nice, they have bluetooth 5 and the build quality feels very good. I especially like the ear hooks, as they are flexible and sit around the ear without creating any pressure or discomfort. Inside the hook is the battery and the bluetooth receiver, so the earpiece itself is only holding the 5 drivers and the control board.
The earpiece itself has an ergonomic design, to make the best possible fit in the ear. Like I’ve said before, I find this type of design to be the most comfortable.

Each earphone has 5 drivers. 1 dynamic and 4 balanced armatures, to deliver a highly detailed sound.
The 4 armatures consist of 2 for mid-frequency and 2 for high frequency.
Regarding battery-life, one full charge lasts about 3 hours and 10 minutes, which isn’t amazing, but for a 5-driver setup it’s not bad. Inside is also a Qualcom 3020 chip with AptX.
If you plan on using these for calls, you’ll not be disappointed, as the microphone quality is good enough, and the noice cancelling works well. There are microphone samples in the video, so check it out if you’re interested.
But are they waterproof? Sadly I don’t know, as they don’t have a IP-rating at all. So, use in water at your own risk..
To pair the earphones we fist open the case, and hold the button for about 3 seconds until the green light on the case starts flashing. Now look for KZ E10 on the phone and click it.
When pairing is finished we can see the battery status on the phone.
Now we can take the earphones out of the case and listen to music or whatever we want to do.
Putting them back into the case, will not disconnect them from the phone. They will disconnect only when the lid is closed.
When the earphones are in the case and the lid is closed, you will see it disconnects. But sometimes there’s a little problem. It sometime reconnects again, while the earphones are in the case, and the lid is closed. And again it disconnects. This doesn’t happen a lot, but sometimes it stays connected for a long time, so it could potentially drain the battery without you knowing about it.
Music Controls
For controlling music, we have the following commands:
- Tap once to play or pause, on the right or left earphone.
- Tap twice on the left earphone to go to the next song.
- Tap twice on the right earphone to go to the back
- Usually the right one is used to go forward, and the left one is used to go back, but with the E10 it’s the other way around, for some reason.
- To open the Assistant, just hold for a couple seconds.
- Sadly they don’t have volume controls, so we have to adjust it on the phone or by using the assistant.

The KZ E10 are very easy to place in the ear, as the just fall into place by themselves, when pushing them in. I’m also very happy that they have ear hooks, as they really do a good job holding them in place. So these are good for doing all sorts of sports and activities, as they sit very securely in the ears. The hooks are also very comfortable, as they don’t press on the ears. They just hang over and behind the ear. But, if you wear glasses the hooks may get in the way and create some discomfort.
The sound quality is very good. It’s very detailed, clear and spacious. You can almost hear where the instruments are coming from. Highs and mids are good without going too high or sounding harsh. Upper mids are very present, but lower mids are a bit absent in my opinion. The lows are nice, and the bass have a good firm punch to it. Even though it’s not the most powerful bass, it still sounds very good, and has a nice rumble to it, so it’s more than good enough.
There is a bit of background noise when pausing music though, but it’s not something I notice while the music is playing.
Regarding volume, I think these earphones will please everyone, as it goes very high. I usually play at only 50-60% before it gets too loud.
The latency is good, and not noticeable while watching videos in youtube, netflix and apps like that, but if you do fast gaming you’ll notice it for sure, and it will probably be annoying.
The Bluetooth range is good, and I tested them at a range of up to 20 meters, without losing the connection, that’s without any walls between me and the phone. But, that doesn’t mean the connection is perfect, because I have had a few cutouts in the left earphone. It doesn’t happen very often, but it is several times in the 3 hours the battery lasts. It reconnects within half a second, but it still annoying. And for some reason only the left earphone loses connection, while the right one is perfectly stable.
Overall, I really like the sound quality and comfort. The sound quality is probably some of the best I have ever heard on wireless earphones, but the connection issues can be a bit annoying, so be aware as it may be a dealbreaker.
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